Well, the dogs (that's Oliver to the left and Tillie to the right) didn't eat the camera, but it has been AWOL for months. I mean months! As age, and I know this is very sad, has impared my ability to immediately recall where I put anthing at home, I've attempted to keep items in the same place, and to always, always put things away where they belong when I'm done with them. Well, this plan ungloriously crashed and burned when it came to the camera. After wandering through the house looking and looking until I thought I was going a bit bonkers, I came up with a plan.
I cleaned my desktop off - the camera could have been buried under a pile of papers. I moved into the dining room and looked through the drawers of the small commode where we keep table runners and flower vases. I searched the small cabinet where I normally store decorative seasonal items, the large cabinet where we display our teapot collection......
We've had a number of open houses - our house is for sale - so I was racking my poor brain trying to figure out where I might have tucked the camera away in a last minute fly through the house!
Keep in mind that I had already done surface searches throughout the house. I pulled up all the cushions on chairs and couches, looked under beds and all the furniture. I think I crawled throughout the entire house before I conducted the cabinet searches. When I opened up any of the cabinets, I had to pull all the contents out, go through them and reorganize everything. Just to make sure I hadn't accidently covered up the camera with a stack of other junk.
My last two stops were the red bedside cabinet in our bedroom, and the cherry linen closet in my bathroom.
Good news .... I found the camera! But which cabinet?
Be the first reader of our sad little neglected blog to correctly guess which cabinet the camera was hiding in (only one guess per reader) and win a little four pack of Amy Butler fat quarters! I'll be posting the winner on Sunday (the 20th of Dec) morning.
I love your little blog! But I have done this before too...and my bet is the bathroom linen cabinet...LOL! Hope I am the winner!!!!!
Will be back...so keep writing!!!
Glad you're blogging! My guess is in the bathroom cabinet, the least likely place you'd look for a camera, of course!:)
none of the cabinets. I'll bet it's in an 'out of season' purse that you just got out for the season.
The red bedside cabinet. ENjoy having everything organized for the coming new year! Maybe I should 'lose' something to get my spring cleaning done early! LOL.
Hi-I am voting for the bathroom closet..hope I win....
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