Thursday, February 12, 2009


Have I really not updated this blog since December? Oh my- I'm so sorry. I really truly have been thinking about it alot- gotta update! gotta update! Here's what happens though kids... I sit down to write something, and I sit there and sit there, and I write a couple sentences, and then I go back and edit, and edit some more, until I've been sitting there for ages and have only produced one teensy little boring sentence! I've decided to Get Over It. So here we are. I'll try not to be too boring, or too whatever...

So today, I want to tell you some Big News. It's kinda under wraps (but not really)- we got a long arm here at the shop! It's an APQS Millennium! I love the idea of finishing a quilt top and being able to quilt it right away and get it hung up in the shop- all like... voila! a new sample! But, oh my. There is a learning curve. This is one big machine. I'm not very good at it yet. I really give a huge shout out to my long arm quilting friends who've rocked our quilts over the last 3 1/2 years. Seriously girls- Kay (Kay Capps-Cross of Spring Grove, MN), Bobbi (Hugs and Stitches Quilting in West Salem, WI) and Carol (Carol Copsey of LaCrosse, ,WI)- you are amazing! You've always made our quilts look fantastic, and I knew talent and skill went into it, but NOW, I really know what you do! I hope I can be a teensy bit as good as you are someday!

I'll post pictures of the long arm soon. In the meantime, hugs to you my friends!!! Now, go sew something. Or something!

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